
Thursday, October 20, 2011

corn maze (take two)

Dear Em,
I learned something new about my best friend last week. She had never been in a corn maze before. Can you believe that?! Being a thirty-something & never experiencing the fun of a corn maze? I hope that by the time you're a thirty-something, we've been to thirty corn mazes (which is entirely possibly with the role we're on). So, J & D couldn't wait to take you on their first corn maze adventure.

There was just one obstacle: your nap...or can I just say the lack thereof? Napping was not really the highlight of your Ohio trip. You avoided naps like the plague. I just tried to roll with it & learn to love a napless vacation. However, you are very much like your daddy. You NEED sleep. You without sleep= an adorable crank-a-potomus.

So, with high hopes of a happy toddler, we got into the car & headed off to Iron's Farm for a fun adventure. If you're in the Cincinnati area, Iron's Farm is so stinkin' cute. There was a petting zoo, pumpkin picking, hayrides, a cute tractor-barrel ride, & a building full of yummy goodies.

You were less than impressed. After we walked away from the petting zoo area, you were a downright grump. You wanted to be held & only by Mommy. It was literally a flashback of our last pumpkin picking/corn maze adventure. Yet again, we entered the corn maze with you in my arms.

This corn maze had a fun twist. It included a map & if we found all the hidden checkpoints, we won fresh-made apple donuts. I'm sure their donuts are super yummy, but we decided to skip the challenge. It was a little too challenging with a cranky toddler in tow.

In desperation & exhaustion, I put you down & handed you the map. Suddenly, the clouds parted & you actually smiled. We were happy to let you happily navigate for the next ten minutes. You even found one of the hidden checkpoints. I was so proud of my little navigator.

Then I did the unthinkable...I asked you to take a picture with J & D. That's when you threw a professional level tantrum. Luckily, D scooped you up & put you on his shoulders. I (lovingly) ignored your whimpers & your protests & walked ahead to help J figure out where we were. We got back on track in the maze, & I suddenly realized it had gotten quiet...strangely quiet. I turned around, a little worried D had dropped you off at a hidden checkpoint, to find you still sitting quietly on D's shoulders. You were sitting quietly, but you were fighting- fighting sleep. I watched your eyes droop...your head droop...your body droop...until you were fast asleep in the most uncomfortable looking position ever. I can't believe you didn't wake up to my giggles, because it was hilarious!

body do you sleep like that?!
You woke up when D transferred you into my arms during the hayride back. Good thing too, because you woke up just in time to beg me to squeeze into a small barrel & join you for a tractor barrel ride.

I wonder if J & D will always remember their first corn maze. I know that I will.

I love you so,

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