
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Letters to Em...

Dear Em,
So, I've been thinking about starting a blog for a little while now (to your Daddy's horror) but wasn't sure what about or how to start. Then last week, we experienced a perfect moment...just the three of us. You know, one of those simple moments where happiness & love are all around. Your daddy looked at me with a smile in his eyes and said, "I hope I remember this moment always."

I knew exactly what he meant. I wanted to bottle that precious moment up, take it out on rainy days, & just breath it in. 

We're surrounded by these small, fleeting moments. Sometimes I try to remember exactly the way you smelled the day you were born or the way you pronounced "more" before you could really pronounce it. It all starts to get fuzzy (especially since, on any given day, I'm lucky if I can remember my age & phone number). So, I decided this blog would be letters to you, letters that hopefully capture our special moments.

My mom, your nonnie, had me when she was even younger than what I was when I had you. Somehow she still seemed to know it all (well, until I became a teenager). She raised five kids. Seriously, how do you make it through that in one piece?! I wish I could know what she was thinking as a new mom. It always seemed like she knew exactly what she was doing. When I don't know what to do, which I often don't, she always knows what to do. In my panicked moments, I wonder if your Nonnie felt the same panic. I wonder if your nonnie felt like she wasn't prepared. I wonder who your nonnie was as a thirty-something, what her dreams and inspirations were. Your nonnie is my best friend, as I hope that we will be, but I wish I knew those pieces of her.

So, someday you will have this piece of me...and I will have this piece of you.

I love you so,

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