
Friday, October 14, 2011

love letters

Dear Em,
Today is your papi's birthday. When I asked you how old he was, you said "Papi one & I two." We all laughed, but I think Papi likes the age you gave him just fine.

Your Papi loved you before he even met you. On the day of Mommy & Daddy's wedding, your Papi spent the entire father-daughter dance talking...talking about you! You might ask, "how can that be? I wasn't even born until more than a year after your wedding." That's true, but your Papi was dreaming of you long before you were born. He was hoping for you, & before you were even conceived he loved you. 

To see the two of you together fills my heart with joy. As I watch the two of you talk, I watch your papi transform. It seems like all of his stress & worries melt away. You make Papi smile & laugh in an amazing way that no one else can quite do.

On your Daddy & Mommy's wedding day, I danced with Papi to the song, The Way You Look Tonight by Tony Bennet. I will always hold in my heart the way your Papi looked that night, & the words of love he spoke about you before you were even born.

The Way You Look Tonight

Someday when I'm awfully low
When the world is cold
I feel a glow just thinking of you 
And the way you look tonight.
Oh, but you're lovely with your smile so warm 
And your cheek so soft
There is nothing for me but to love you 
And the way you look tonight
With each word your tenderness grows
Tearing my fears apart
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose touches my foolish heart
Lovely, never ever change
Keep that breathless charm
Won't you please arrange it? 
'Cause I love you
Just the way you look tonight...

Happy Birthday, Papi! On your special day I hope love surrounds you & embraces you, the sun shines, & God blesses you.

I love you so,

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