
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

a record day

Dear Em,
This past Sunday we had an amazing, record breaking adventure. We woke up to a gorgeous, sunshiny day excited about going out for our annual family pumpkin picking trip. But this year our pumpkin picking adventure was a little different.

Firstly, this was the first year we didn't go to Shartner Farms. Your daddy went to Shartner Farms every year with his family when he was a little boy.

We took you there just months before you were born.

We took you for your very first pumpkin picking last year.

But I had also heard fun things about Clark Farms & I found a Groupon for 50% off of two tickets (I wicked love deals & Groupon has so many lovely local adventure deals). So, we invited Grandma & Papa to join us at Clark Farms for pumpkin picking this year & off to the farm we went.

Clark Farms is so family fun. There were so many activities for us to do once inside. Your favorites were the giant slide, the hayride, & the corn pit (you loved it so much that we finally had to drag you out of the corn pit).

We also braved the corn maze. I say we braved the corn maze because, by the end, we were all scrambling toward the refreshment stand gasping, "Water! Water!" I can't tell you how originally excited I was about the corn maze. I love corn mazes. I was excited about the new corn maze challenge, & I was excited that this year you'd be running around the maze along with us. My excitement was wilted by almost 90 degree weather. I realize 90 degrees is not that hot for people living south of New England, but 90 degrees is not normal for Rhode Island in the middle of October! In fact, it was a record high for Rhode Island. Even in a short sleeved shirt & a skirt, your face was so flushed with heat. You begged me (& only me) to hold you as we made our way through the twisted maze. I was practically crawling as we reached the end.

We learned an important lesson that day. Fall activities are just not the same in summer weather. I may complain about the extremely long & cold winter here in Rhode Island, but no one outside of New England gets an autumn quite like ours.

Heat & all, we had a blast. We think we're going to rotate each year going to Shartner Farms & Clark Farms. That way we get to enjoy a little bit of everything. I love our family traditions & this years fall summer adventure at the pumpkin patch.
Seriously, who wear shorts & short
sleeves pumpkin picking?

I love you so,

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