
Thursday, October 27, 2011

suitcase living

Dear Em,
I feel as though I spent the majority of this month living out of a suitcase. We've had so many fun adventures, but I'm kinda ready for life to just s...l...o...w...d...o...w...n. Tonight is my last overnight away from home this month. I'm away for work, & I missed kissing your cheeks, taking your face into my hands, & saying "sweet dreams, I love you" before bed tonight. I miss listening to you breathe in and out on our monitor.

You & Daddy called to say goodnight, & my heart was happy hearing you read books with Daddy. You giggled as you said, "see you tomorrow, mommy." I felt all of the day's stress melt away knowing you were having a special night with just Daddy.

And then I walked into my hotel room. What a happy surprise to find that my room is a harbor view executive suite...sigh. I feel a little bit like the kid in "Home Alone." Ok, maybe a lot. This place is incredible.

The views.

Seriously, this place is so cool. There are shampoo/conditioner dispensers in the shower.

I kinda want to take this bathroom home with me & the robe is wicked comfy.


I'm sure some of my colleagues are living it up in Boston right now...& I am too. Tonight I am living it up by enjoying Boston Harbor's amazing views & doing Sigh.

I can't wait to snuggle you in my arms again tomorrow, but until then I'm going to enjoy life. Life is really so beautiful.

I love you so,

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