
Monday, November 7, 2011

home is where the heart is

Helping daddy paint during our
most recent renovation

Dear Em,
I'm back. It was an absolutely amazing weekend of girl talk, dancing, shopping, eating, & checking out the D.C. area. I loved every moment of my girl time, but it feels so good to be home.

Walking through our front door, hugging your daddy, & tucking you into bed in your warm room- I wouldn't trade it for the world. You & your daddy, you are home to me.

As a NAVY brat, I moved around all my life. I was always facing a new street, new school, new home. When your daddy & I started looking at houses to buy, I wasn't looking for just a starter house. I was looking for a home we could grow into. I was looking for a home on a nice, quiet street. I was looking for a nice town with good schools. I was looking for a home with enough rooms to fit a little love (or two).

We bought this house, our first home. The three of us have really made it a home together. Our doorway is where you waved goodbye as I left for work each day. The family room is the room you took your very first steps in. The living room is where we cheer for the Patriots on Sundays. The kitchen is where we have dance parties while we're making dinner. The dining area is where we've hosted some of our favorite people & where we eat as a family every night. Our office is where you bring in your toy laptop & pretend to do work like Daddy. The walls, we painted every by one by one. The bathrooms are where we did our first family renovations. You even helped paint the walls. The basement is where we have rockband concerts. Our yard is where we have summer badminton tournaments & jump on the trampoline until we're out of breath. Our hallways are where we are inspired by beauty & love. Artwork & photographs of family & friends are hung throughout. Our guest room holds your dress-up clothes. It's where we've had all of my favorite fashion shows. Your bedroom is where we read books & say our prayers & tuck you in at night. Your daddy & my bedroom is where we dreamed of you before you were even born.

We may not live here all the days of our lives, but this home will always have a special place in my heart because it has been the space that we've created my most treasured memories. It keeps us warm & safe. It has allowed you to explore & create & grow.

I'm so very thankful for this home, the first & only home you've ever known. It is so much more than the walls & the furniture that fill it. This home was built by love.

I love you so,

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