
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Milk Shakes with Daddy

Dear Em,
One morning, Daddy woke up with a craving for milkshakes. He asked you if you wanted to make milkshakes with him after school. You were so excited to help daddy make milk shakes, you were jumping up & down.

Mommy didn't have time to pick up the things we needed that day. So, we took a little family field-trip that evening. This was the first time you got to drive a car at the Supermarket. It was so fun, but Mommy you were an awful driver. The clerk at the store told me not to worry, "it happens all the time." Cue the blushing. Cue the nervous giggles. Whoops.

Here's the ingredients that we used:
- Ice Cream (we chose pumpkin & coffee)
- Milk
- Coffee syrup
- Chocolate Syrup

You were so excited to help Daddy.
Sharing a shake with Daddy. I love this more than you can know.
You loved sharing a coffee mocha shake with Daddy. You kept saying, "this is pretty good, Daddy." It made your Daddy & I smile & laugh. After you two finished your shake, Daddy even helped you make one for Mommy.

Ours was pumpkin mocha, & it was the best. After we finished, we both said, "thanks Daddy." It was such a simple & inexpensive evening, but I think it was one of my all time favorites. At that moment I was so very thankful for that moment & so very thankful for your Daddy who brings us so many precious moments.

We're such lucky girls to have your Daddy in our lives.

I love you so,
*Readers, what's your favorite inexpensive family activity?*


  1. We love to bake too - with lots of colorful frostings and colorful batter!

  2. Aren't snacks so much more fun to make when there are little hands to help?


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