
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

my body is a miracle

Dear Em,
There are days when glancing in the mirror makes me sad in my heart. I could certainly lose a few pounds. My belly is a little flabbier than I would like, my legs not as toned. My arms are certainly not as muscular as they were the day I got married. My ankles never really existed, with my legs extending straight into my feet. Each time I stand on a scale or look in the mirror, there are 3,500 different things about my body that I wish I could change.

If I were my body, I would fire me. I mean, on any given day my body enables me to do a million things that I take for granted, instead worrying about the extra chub that lines my belly. I look in the mirror & scrutinize every imperfection without a thought to what an amazing gift my body is.

So, today, and hopefully a little more each day after, I am thankful for my body.

Because of my body...
- I walked down the isle to marry your Daddy.
- I was a cheerleader in high school & experienced the thrill of being on a team.
- I've seen the beauty of the sunset at the grand canyon.
- I can push you on the swings.
- I can dance.
- I hiked the Slieve League Mountains in Ireland & walked the Irish countryside (while pregnant).
- I was able to conceive a miracle, a healthy baby girl, & carry her in my womb for 40 weeks. From the tiniest little egg, my body worked to develop your ears, eyes, nose, brain, & finger tips. It's mind blowing.
- We can run...& run...& run.
- I danced with your Papi on my wedding night.
- I can go for a bike ride.
- I can sit at the dinner table with my family each night.
- I have walked the streets of Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, Providence, Baltimore, & D.C. I've felt the buzz of the city & the history around me.
- I can taste coconut almond bar ice cream.
- I walked at my high school, college, & masters graduation ceremonies.
- I remember my grandma's laugh & the way her eyes sparkled when she listened to music.
- I can show you how to tie your shoes.
- You've joined me in completing two 5Ks, raising money & awareness for cancer research.
- You can put your hand on my chest & feel my heart beat.
- I've sat in the wooden seats at Fenway to watch the Red Sox beat the Yankees.
- I have gone scuba diving & snorkeling to see some of the most fascinating underwater life.
- I am able to speak up & participate in life.
- I can learn.
- I showed you how to do cartwheels on the quad.
- We can sing "Just the Way You Are" at the top of our lungs.
- I can kiss your boo-boos.
- I can hold you in my arms.
- I can go out & follow my dreams. It is endless what this body can do.

So, be kind to your body. Cherish it. You never know where it's going to take you.

I love you so,

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