
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

potty time

Practicing on the potty.
Dear Em,
You've been asking to go "potty" for a month or so now. Maybe you're learning from the kids in your class that are potty trained. Maybe, at 22 months of age, you're just ready. It's just that your daddy and I are not ready yet.

The holidays are coming. That means gathering with friends & family & a 12 hour (at least) drive down to North Carolina. Your daddy & I made an executive decision that if we're going to potty train, we're going to go all the way. That means waiting until after January 1st (or maybe January 14th when I return from a planned business trip).

Your daddy & I are not ready, but that doesn't stop you. The other day I was standing in the bathroom washing my hands. You ran in & said, "I go potty!" You lifted up the toilet seat & tried to climb on in. You almost stuck your foot into the toilet water. So, I unzipped your jammies & sat you down on the seat. I was so surprised how excited you were about sitting on the adult toilet. We were prepared to start you out on a toddler potty, thinking that the toilet was a frightening place for people your size.

I can't explain the joy, excitement, & pride I felt over you doing your very first "poopy" on the potty! Where did my baby girl go? When did you become a full fledged little girl?

We gave you some jelly beans as a potty prize. Immeadiately after finishing your jelly beans, you asked for more. After I explained to you that jelly beans would follow after you went potty, we spent the rest of the night helping seat you on the toilet every ten minutes at your request & watching you "try" (it's amazing how fast you're able to strip off your jammies & diaper).

You were so proud of yourself, & we're so proud of you. Every day you're learning & growing, & I'm so thankful for it. It makes each day an adventure. We never know what you will learn or what you will teach us. I think these are the things life is really made of.

I love you so,

* When we are ready, do any of you readers have potty tips? *

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