
Sunday, November 27, 2011

the summer your nonnie made it rain

So thankful to have Nonnie & Papi in our lives.

Dear Em,
This week your nonnie & papi came to visit us, & my heart is so full. I just knew that Nonnie was going to shower you with gifts & Papi was going to fill you up with sugar. I may not have told them (or even realized it) when I was younger, but they are the most amazing parents. I learned so much about how to be a good Mommy from watching them. To see them as grandparents is to see a part of them that I didn't know existed until there was you. When the three of you are together, their eyes sparkle & they seem to get younger right before my eyes. I'm so thankful to have such amazing parents who love us to the moon & back.

Did I ever tell you the story about the summer your nonnie made it rain? It was the summer of 2009. Your nonnie always worries about me a little, I guess mommies always do. This year she was especially worried, because I was pregnant with you. I don't think nonnie & papi could have been happier, the day we called to tell them I was pregnant with you. They were in love with you immediately. Your papi dreamed of filling you up with ice cream & your nonnie learned to shop online just so she could pick out clothes & toys for you.

Your nonnie was worried about us, though. I drive around to multiple locations for my job & am in & out of the car constantly. Your nonnie knew I would be getting out of my car & into the hot heat with a suit on all summer. So, Nonnie prayed.

People who know your nonnie fondly refer to her as a prayer warrior. Nonnie seems to have a direct line to God. She prayed for almost 2 years that we would have sunshine on our wedding day. It rained the whole week before & the day after, but we had amazing sun on our day. When I have a concern, I call your nonnie & ask her to pray.

That summer nonnie prayed for cool weather. She didn't want me to overheat & pass out. She had told me this at the end of spring, & I didn't think much of it. Then it rained most of May. June came & went with more rain clouds. July was dreary, & I started to get cranky. I love summer. I look forward to it all winter long. I bask in the glow of the sun & relish the warm kisses it gives my cheeks. Where was my summer? Where was my sunshine?

I called your nonnie & said, "ok, knock it off. I am miserable & need my sunshine back. God will protect us, even in the summer sun. And anyways, we have central air conditioning! I will be fine & so will the baby." It took us until August, but we finally saw summer that year. Now I promise Nonnie that we will slather in sunscreen so that she will never pray for that again.

Be careful what you ask Nonnie to pray for.

I love you so,

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