
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello 2012!

Dear Em,
Happy 2012! We had a fun day ringing in the New Year. We found out completely by accident that the Sprout Network does a New Years Eve countdown to Noon. Seriously, how fun is that?! What an amazing idea. It was so fun to have a little countdown & celebration with you (as you were in bed by 8:30 & sound asleep well before midnight). 

You were so cute as you shouted, "Happy New Year!" We wore hats, used noise makers, & even went outside for your very first sparklers (a little drizzle wasn't going to stop us).

I don't know that I have resolutions as much as there are things I want to accomplish in 2012.

1) Work on being healthy. I know. I know. How original, right? But there are some things that I want to do this year in particular that I want to be in my best shape for. There are 10 pounds that I typically gain in the winter & lose in the summer, & I'm working to shed that 10 starting now. I don't really believe in dieting, but I do need to work on portion control. I also want to be more consistent in working out. I get on a roll, but then things get hectic. One week off turns into one month off & then I'm back to where I started. I need to take the time to be active. I want to use the treadmill, kinect, yoga DVDs, Jillian Michaels DVD, but I also want to try to bundle up & get some fresh air more often this winter. I'm hoping to take you on walks & to the park. We need the fresh air.

2) Take time for me. My girls weekend last year was so refreshing, & it reminded me that I need to take time for me so that I can be a better Mommy & wife to you & Daddy. I'm not necessarily talking about full weekends, maybe a night or even an hour here & there.

3) Read 2 books a month. This goes along with taking time for me. My grandma always said that a book could take you anywhere you want to go, & I feel like a better person when I take time for reading as an outlet. I was actually really good at reading my 2 books each month last year until we hit October & you were sick & I was sick & the holidays were here. Oh well, here's to following through with this one a little better this year. Any good book suggestions out there?

4) Taking time for those we love. When we had Thanksmas Swap there were people who sat at our table that we hadn't seen in 6 months (one person we hadn't seen since our wedding). For the most part, these were people that live in this small state along with us. Each year I let the craziness of life get in the way, & the important gets put to the side in place of the urgent. I hope to make more of an effort to connect with those we love this year, something as simple as dinner on a Thursday night or a movie night or game night at home.

5) Home Projects
  - Replace the curtains in the living room/dining room. Right now we have 4 windows with curtains that are 3 different colors. Most of them are leftover from the previous owner. It's time to put our own stamp on things. Does anyone have suggestions for good curtain vendors?
  - Paint front door & shutters. Well, I should say, pick a color for front door & paint shutters. Color suggestions? The outside of our house is a light beige color.
  - Replace the pebble front walkway. I hate the pebbles. High heels & a pebble walkways do not mix. We haven't decided for sure what to replace it with yet. Any ideas?
  - Put a curtain up over the office closet.
  - Organize the basement storage areas.
  - Design a bedroom for a little girl & move you into the larger bedroom. We'll talk a lot more about this soon. I'm really excited about this project & hope you love your big-girl room & big-girl bed.
We're hoping to work on the first 5 projects in February & March (during the dark period when there is no baseball or football & we don't have to plan our weekends around sports). I'm hoping your nonnie will help me with the bedroom project this summer when we're ready to move you into your big bed.

6) Milestones for us to work on together.
  - Say goodbye to the highchair & hello to the booster seat.
  - Potty training. I'm saying prayers that we are diaper free by 2013.
  - Moving you into your new bedroom, saying goodbye to the crib, & saying hello to a big girl bed.

Such fun & big plans for 2012. I know it's going to be another amazing year, because it's another year where we get to watch you learn & grow.

Although, it's 2012, I'm going to spend the rest of this week recapping parts of 2011: Christmas & your birthday. Stay tuned.

I love you so,

1 comment:

  1. Its a big thing out here to have shutters over curtains.
    Color for doors and shutters maybe a medium tan if you want to stay neutral but pretty much any color goes with beige! You can't go wrong!
    To replace about a stone walkway. Its not as pricey as poured concrete plus it adds character! As long as the ground is level and seams are packed well it will be nice and flat to walk on, even with heals!


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