
Friday, February 17, 2012

love letters

Dear Em,
"Well I'm not much of a writer, 
But I tried to drop a line,
If you ever get this message,
Will you be my Valentine?"
The Ballad of Valentine, written by Alison Jackson

Last year I wanted to get you a little something for Valentine's Day. Since we loved reading, I looked for a book to fit the occasion. I found The Ballad of Valentine on There I was able to preview some of the pages, & it looked cute & fun.

Since then, The Ballad of Valentine has become a precious favorite of ours. Rather than read it, we sing it to the tune of "Oh my Darlin' Clementine." It is so stinkin' cute to hear your daddy sing it to you. Seriously, my heart melts.

The illustrations are lovely & funny as we sing through the lengths a man goes through to send a message to his Valentine. A bonfire, a mailman, an airplane that writes words in the sky, & Morse code are just a few ways he tries to send his message. It's hilarious & has us giggling the whole way through.

This week you read sang The Ballad of Valentine to me (& Elmo). One of the most precious moments ever. Seriously, I thought my heart would burst. The level of cuteness was almost more than I can handle.

I hope to grow old singing The Ballad of Valentine.

I love you so,

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