
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Seven Moons

Dear Em,
Most of our close friends don't have children, & sometimes it hard to keep in touch. My life tends to revolve around work & what Super Why's "super big problem" is this week. Sometimes Daddy & I have had a hard time stepping away from it to enjoy time with our friends. So, we've started Thursday night dinners (which we might be changing to Wednesday night dinners) in hope that once a month we can connect with some of our dearest friends.

This past month we went to Seven Moons. It probably helped that I had invited everyone two months ahead of time, but I think most of our friends cleared their schedules just so they could eat at Seven Moons. If you live in Rhode Island & haven't been, you're missing out. It has one of the most extensive East Asian cuisine menus that I've ever seen (some of our friends joked that there needed to be some sort of index for the menu). Seven Moons is where I first tried & realized my love of sushi rolls.

Eight of us were able to get together. One of the best things about Seven Moons for big groups is their large round tables. We never felt confined to the conversation on our side of the table, the round tables make it so everyone can talk freely. It was perfect for catching up. It was also perfect because there is a large lazy susan in the middle of the table. We ordered a bunch of appetizers to share, & could just spin the lazy susan instead of passing plates.

We started off with Nime Chow Vietnamese style, Edamame, Crab Rangoons, & soup. I could fill up & enjoy just appetizers, but I saved some room for the my entree.

Daddy got the Bee Boong, his favorite. It's a Vietnamese dish with lettuce, bean sprouts, cucumber, rice noodles, coconut milk, a spring roll, & peanut sauce with your choice of beef, pork, chicken, shrimp, or vegetables). It's yummy & filling but light. I got the Wild Tuna roll (spicy tuna, avocado, & cucumber on the inside with tuna & wasabi sauce on the outside) & a Philadelphia Roll (smoked salmon, cucumber, & cream cheese). The Wild Tuna roll was the perfect mix of spice & crunch. The Philadelphia roll puts one of my favorite things into a sushi roll, cheese! Can't go wrong with that. Everything was so yummy, but I left not feeling overstuffed. I love the overall lightness of South Asian cuisine.

Catching up with friends was pretty amazing too.

I feel like good food & good people are a perfect mix. Next time we're going to try Indian food, something Daddy & I have never had before. I think the best way to try new types of food is to go with a group of people who have had it & can suggest where to start. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

I love you so,

* Readers, what is your favorite place to meet with friends? *

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