
Thursday, February 9, 2012

traveling with kids

Dear Em,
This ends our wrap-up of our Florida trip. What an amazing adventure.

Jordan, from Oh Happy Day blogged about 10 Tips for Traveling with Young Kids. Like Jordan, we like to travel with our little love (though we've never traveled out of the country with you like Jordan's family has with their kids). I wish we knew about these tips before we had you. I wish some of our friends & family without kids knew about these tips.

I don't know if it is even possible for us not to "bring more stuff than we can carry." In fact, you should have seen us at the airport. I don't know how we made it (or fit everything in our rental car). That will get easier once we don't have a pack & play in tow.

One of the most important things we've learned is "there is going to be down time." Nap time & bedtime at 8pm were never part of our vacations before there was you (well, unless we had been out way too late the night before). Now, it's a reality. We've learned to be flexible. There are times when we "mess with [your] schedule (a little)," but overall it's better to stop & let you rest than try to do anything with you when you're overtired.

We've also learned to "mix in stuff [you] like." Before there was you, the playground wasn't something we frequented while on vacation. This past trip, we took you to the park at least once a day. It is fine to take you along for the things we want to do, as long as we realize you need time to have fun & get your sillies out your way.

Of course, whenever possible we try to fit in a "date night." We love to travel with you. Our moments with you are most precious to us, but it's good for Daddy & I to have some couple time too.

If you're interested in more really great ideas about traveling with kids, check out Jordan's post. Thanks for putting our thoughts (& frustrations) into words, Jordan!

I'm interested in hearing about travel tips other parents have for successful trips. Readers, are there any other suggestions you can give us about our next trip?

Em, until then we'll enjoy being in the comfort of our own home & going on local adventures.

I love you so,

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