
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Track 84

Dear Em,
When I was a little girl, I had my first sip of beer. My Daddy's beer sat on a side table. Before anyone knew what to do, I scooped it up like it was a sippy & had my first little taste. I'm not sure if I liked it back then, but I don't really care for beer now (& of course I didn't have my second taste of beer until I was 21...21, got it?).

I don't know when your Daddy's first sip of beer was or if he liked it. I do know that he's become quite the beer connoisseur over the years. While he mostly drank Bud Light & Honey Brown in college, he's become more interested in the finer brews these days.

We've gone on the Guinness Brewery Tour in Dublin and the  Sam Adams Brewery Tour in Boston. We've learned all about malted barley & hops. Daddy has read book & watched documentaries about brewing beer. He has his own beer brewing kit & wishes he could one day start his very own brewery.

When we travel, he loves to try the local brews. So, I got him beer of the month club last year & the year before. Every month, he read the newsletter & enjoyed trying different beer from all over the country. Excitement would flicker in his eyes when he tried one that was extra hoppy or one with hints of coffee flavor.

This year it was a no brainer to throw him a birthday party at Track 84. It's a small bar located in Warwick, right next to the railroad tracks. It's a hole in the wall kind of place with a relaxed atmosphere, music, darts, & free popcorn. Track 84 also has 20 draft beers that you wouldn't typically find in any other bars, or even liquor stores, in Rhode Island. They also had cider for me (& most of the girls we were there with). Daddy was in his element. I think he would have tried all 20 beers if he could have.

It was a great time to spend with a small group of our closest friends & celebrate the last year of your Daddy's 20s (you're probably thinking he's way We got to catch up on everyone's wedding plans, house hunting stories, & cute stories about our kids. There was lots of conversation & a competitive game of darts.

This year Daddy's birthday party wasn't big or fancy or expensive. It honestly didn't take more than a facebook invite to plan. But it was perfect. Best part? You had a fun sleep over at Grandma & Papa's & Daddy & I got to sleep in until almost 9. Sigh, I can't even remember the last time we slept until almost 9. AMAZING.

I hope that when you're our age, you have great friends who truly know you & plan your birthdays doing things that you really love.

I love you so,

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