
Thursday, April 5, 2012

hunting for eggs

Dear Em,
Yesterday you had a sweet little Easter Egg hunt with two of your adorable friends. The three of you were all born within a few months of each other and have been "playing" together since you were newborns. It's so fun to watch you play & see your individual personalities shine. Each of you do & process things so differently. It amazes me, because I remember when you all started out so very small.

The three of you got a running start on the egg hunting.

Each mommy brought 12 eggs. We all filled the eggs with something different. Mine were filled with grapes, blueberries, & jelly beans. Some were filled with organic teddy graham crackers. Some were filled with goldfish. You loved them all.

Little S was a champion egg finder. After the initial egg hunt was done, she was ready to find more eggs. So, we dumped the contents of the eggs & made a new egg hunt (although, we didn't fool her with the empty eggs).

After her bag was filled, little M just wanted to play.

You were happy to do whatever it was that your friends were doing.

It was such a fun time to gather as kids & mommies. You girls played & us mommies chatted. We all had a blast. The weather was so beautiful. It was so nice to be out in the sunshine & enjoying the fresh air.

We ended the day with the obligatory picture of the three of you. I hope when you're 18, we can go through years of obligatory pictures of you with your two sweet girlfriends.

I love you so,

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