
Friday, April 27, 2012

love letters

Dear Em,
God is someone that we talk to & talk about everyday. With that said, sometimes talking about God is hard. It's hard to explain His largeness, His awesomeness, His presence in the quietest of moments. This is why I'm so glad there are wonderfully written & beautifully illustrated books to help me out. One of my favorites is How Big is God?

In this book a little boy asks his mom "how big is God?" With the help of lovely illustrations, she explains that God can be big or small & that he is everywhere.

"'I'm glad that such a big God can still fit in my heart, Mom.'
'Me too. Out of all the places God is, That's his favorite place to be.'"
- from How Big is God? by Lisa Tawn Bergren

I'm glad that God made brilliant authors whose words help us learn & grow.

I love you so,

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