
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

things that make me smile

Dear Em,
These are the things that made me smile yesterday...

80 degree weather in April. I heart sunshine.

Your teachers reported you had really great listening ears all day.

Your face, smiling & smeared with red & blue from your strawberry & blueberry after-school snack.

Your sweet strawberry & blueberried sent that lingered for hours after.

A summery dinner of chicken, corn on the cob, & fresh broccoli.

You eating two ears of corn & asking for a third. You even ate your chicken & broccoli with the promise of more corn (we normally have to promise dessert for that).

Jumping, just the three of us, on the trampoline. Your favorite way to jump is all together & holding hands.

Your cheeks, filled with a rosy glow, as you giggled & bounced.

The curly ringlets that formed in your already lighter blonde hair.

Your attentiveness as you played "soccer." You have such an amazing little kick. Who taught you that?

Finishing up our evening with a walk around the neighborhood, just the three of us.

Life really is so precious, isn't it?

I love you so,

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