
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Grandma's Beach Bag

Dear Em,
I'm giving your grandma a shout out today via the blog, because I'm in Texas & wasn't able to celebrate with you at home. Today is her birthday, & I hope her day is absolutely amazing. Grandma & Papa live only 25 minutes away from us. Other than us, their house is your very favorite place in the state of Rhode Island.

I love to watch you dance & laugh with your grandma. It's like she transforms into a kid again right in front of our eyes. When you come to visit, she always has such fun things planned for you to do together. You water the flowers, bake pizza, & play hopscotch.

When I told you Grandma's birthday was coming up, you were thrilled to be able to make her a beach bag too. She recently told us her favorite color was green. So, we wanted to give her some Spring green to take with her to the beach. We also slipped in some pink & purple, your favorite colors.

You, Daddy, Papa, & Grandma celebrated with dinner at our house on Tuesday. I can only imagine the wide smile that spread across Grandma's face when she opened her bag that was made with love from her favorite two year old.

I love you so,

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