
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

lilacs put a smile in my heart

Dear Em,
It's been a warm spring & the flowers have bloomed early. We've had very few April showers, but we do have plenty May flowers, just how I like it. Right now, the warm spring air is filled with the smell of lilacs, one of my very favorite parts of Spring. I love the beautiful smell & the deep purple colors that bloom into a light lavender. I love the way the sunlight filters through the branches.

The hint of the smell of lilacs makes me smile & think of a time when I was 8 weeks pregnant & every scent smelled awful to me...except for lilacs. Luckily, we have two lilac bushes in our yard. Your Papa trimmed a ton of lilacs for me, & we filled the house with them. Whenever I started to get nauseous, I would breathe the lilacs in.

One of my favorite things about Spring has become one of the things I love most about our home. When our windows our open, the spring breeze sends the amazing scent wafting through the rooms of our house.

I no longer fill the house with lilacs, but I like to trim some branches & arrange them in a couple vases each Spring. Our home is filled with the sweet scents for a week, & they're so lovely to look at (& they're free). Maybe that's why you've decided to your favorite color is purple now...well, purple with pink.

I love you so,

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