
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

precious moments, mother's day recap 2012

Dear Em,
Our Mother's Day was magical. We...

Slept in late.

Filled the morning with bedtime snuggles.

Ate breakfast in bed (thanks, Daddy).

Opened sweet & thoughtful gifts from you & Daddy.

Laughed at the park.

I tried to sit on this side-saddle, but you complained I was doing it wrong.

Meeting with Grandma & Papa at the wall.

Lunch at Aunt Carries. Yummy Fish & Chips & Clam Cakes.

You discovered a hilarious love of ketchup.

A walk to the rocky beach.

Precious moments stacking rocks & finding beach treasure.

 Going home to relax & watch movies.

Phone calls to Nonnie to wish her a happy Mother's Day. You squealed, grabbed the phone, walked away, & chatted Nonnie up ("So, how was your day, Nonnie?"). It was adorable.

It was a beautiful, sunny day full of precious moments & love. It was such a gift. You are my most precious gift. Thank you for calling me Mommy.

I love you so,

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