
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Busy Living

Dear Em,
I love this little blog & knowing that someday you will get a glimpse of what life is like for our little family of three as you grow. I love putting words to page that you will someday read.

But right now, I'm just busy living.

It actually makes me laugh to write that, because it makes me think of you. The other day you were playing. You were twirling & jumping & laughing & smiling. As I watched you, I felt like my heart was going to burst with love. I asked you to come over & give me a kiss. You looked at me and said, "I'm just too busy, sweetie" as you went right back to twirling.

Right now things are a little crazy for me. I'm busy working & playing with you & spending time with your nonnie & planning date nights with your daddy & taking night-time walks at the beach & spending time with friends & putting together your new room & planning your 2.5 birthday party. OMG, it feels like a lot, but it's a lot of fun.

I find myself having a hard time squeezing time in for some of these blog posts. I find myself thinking about the living I want to be doing while I write them. So, I'm going to give myself a little of a summer break (yesterday was the first official day of summer, you know). I'm not going to stop writing altogether, but I'm not going to force myself or feel bad about not writing five days a week either.

Because right now, we're just busy living...& laughing & loving & adventuring & hugging & playing & creating & sunning. Sigh, I love our sweet life.

I love you so,

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