
Thursday, June 14, 2012

El Tapatio

Dear Em,
I am still way behind on posts. Tonight we're going out for the once a month dinner we do with our friends. So, it's probably about time I post about dinner from last month. About a month ago I went out to dinner with friends from college. The plan was for your daddy to come too, but I accidentally planned the dinner for a night when our babysitters (Grandma & PaPa) & back-up babysitters were out of state. So, Daddy was sweet enough to let me go while he stayed home with you.

It's a shame that Daddy couldn't come, because he loves Mexican food. We try our best to find (what we think is) authentic Mexican restaurants. His favorite place is still Pancho Loco, in Connecticut, where he orders the Chicken Mole. He says it's so spicy, it almost burns your face off. I say, why would you voluntarily eat something that makes you feel like your face is burning off? Anyway, I digress.

As I walked in to El Tapatio, I was thrilled to be greeted by a mariachi band in full costume. SOOO fun! I met up with one of my friends at the bar & we were serenaded as we waited for the others. It made it kind of hard to have a conversation, but still so fun.

As we were brought to our seats, I was again reminded why I love eating at El Tapatio. Everything is bright & fun. Even the chairs are works of art.

For this time, my appetizer was a couple of margaritas. The raspberry one was wicked yummy. Nice & tart, the way I love it. I also ate probably the entire basket of tortilla chips & salsa that were on the table. I was hungry.

I ordered the Burrito Tapitio, a soft flour tortilla stuffed with rice, refried beans, & shredded beef. It's topped with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, sauce, sour cream & guacamole. I asked for some jalepenos for an added kick. Firstly, the burrito was humongous. I felt slightly better that I cold bring half of it home for your daddy & then he could enjoy the food too. Secondly, it looked amazingly yummy.

The burrito was so good. It had all the things I think a good burrito should have, with just the right seasoning. After just half of the burrito, I was stuffed. I sat back, enjoyed the company of my friends, the atmosphere, the mariachi band (who had wandered into our dining area), & even some dancing (which I don't think is typical for this restaurant). It was such a fun time.

Laughter & yummy food is such a perfect combination, don't you think?

I love you so,

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