
Monday, June 11, 2012

Wicked Busy, Wicked Amazing

Dear Em,
Here's our weekend recap via photographs...

See this mess? It's going to be your new room. This was the project I worked on during my "free-time" this weekend. I'm almost done painting.

We took a saturday morning walk at the wall, just me & you (Daddy was throwing a bachelor party). You told me it was "nice to say good morning to people" as they passed. Seriously, you crack me up.

We matched!

Dance performance at the gazebo.

After a nap (for you, not me), we headed to a family outdoor birthday party.

All the cousins!

 We headed home with enough time for me to change my clothes & throw some buffalo chicken dip in the oven (I accidentally literally threw half of it in the oven...huge mess...sigh) before I left you to play with Grandma & Papa while I celebrated a friend's bachelorette at Foxwoods Casino.

I didn't see any tigers, but there was plenty of Victoria Secret for the bride. I got her a pair of RedSox undies. I know. Scandalous, right?

Beautiful & hilarious Bride-to-Be. Fun Girls. Good times. Sadly, just as the party was really getting started, I headed home so we could leave by 6:30 Sunday morning to head to the MMRF Race for Research.

You & I set a 5K personal record (which really isn't saying much, but I was proud of us). I'm so thankful to everyone who helped us raise $400, our team raise $4000, & the event raise over $350,000 for cancer research...bringing the world that much closer to a cure. As we ran you chanted, "Go Mommy Go!"You made everyone around us smile, & I felt like I had my own personal cheer squad. It was definitely the highlight of the event for me. I think the highlight of the event for you was the bounce house, face arm painting, & balloon making we discovered after the race. 

After that, we headed to a friend's after-race BBQ. When we got home, we were pretty pooped from a Sunday packed with an early morning wake-up, a 5K, limited nap time, five hours in the car, & super fun times. Luckily, Daddy was back from his friend's bachelor party. We were so content to collapse & snuggle together, just the three of us.

I was a little afraid our weekend was packed with too much amazingness, but we made it. I just might need another weekend to recover from my weekend. Sigh, remember summer vacation? Why did I give those up after college?

I love you so,

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