Saturday, July 21, 2012

Glimpses of Love & Happiness

Dear Em,
Your Aunt Gina is amazing. She is absolutely magical with pictures & videos. She truly has a gift. Last year she made us the most incredible (& wicked long...we have so many pictures) video montage of your first year.

We've watched it so many times, & every time it is so sweet to watch as you grow from a little squishy to a toddling one year old. It's probably your very favorite video.

Here's a shortened glimpse of your first year...

Imagine our excitement when I received an online link to your second year montage on Tuesday night. It is one of the most precious gifts we've ever been given.  I can't tell you how long your Aunt Gina must have spent on it. Your daddy & I laughed & teared up as we watched you dance & spin & twirl & laugh &...well, grow. We watched our very favorite photos & videos & listened to our most loved songs. It was such a special moment to snuggle with Daddy & relive so many of our precious moments, moments of such love & fun & happiness.

The next morning, you & Nonnie snuggled up with me as we watched your second year together. Your eyes sparkled as you clapped your hands to the music & watched all the images. As soon as it ended, you asked to watch it again. Later, Aunt Gina asked you what part was your favorite, & you said "Me!" Seriously, BEST PRESENT EVER.

We're so lucky to to have your aunt Gina in our family, but for those who don't have a photo & video magician in the family, she has an esty site:

We actually just watched it all again & laughed & smiled just as much as we did the first time. I truly think memories are the most precious gift of all.

I love you so,

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