
Friday, September 7, 2012

love letters

Dear Em,
"Mommy is my family, & Daddy is my family, & Nonnie is my family, & Papi is my family, & auntie Gina is my family, & auntie Jennie & uncle Nick are my family, & uncle Greg is my family, & uncle Jared is my family, right?"
- Emma

Sorry I've kinda disappeared, but we're down in North Carolina enjoying sun & fun & family time...

Holding you in our arms for the first time in two weeks was the most precious moment all summer, & we've been soaking up the family time ever since.

Next week, there will be time for the first day of school, blogging, & getting back into our routine as our little family of three. For now, we're having a blast as a family of ten, all under the same roof. Love it.

I love you so,

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