
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Dear Em,
Happy Halloween! I can't wait to take you trick or treating tonight. You are going to be so adorable in your little lamb costume.

I feel like it was forever ago that we picked out your costume...well, it kind of was. In August, a costume catalogue was mailed to our house. We looked through the pages filled with costumes a few times, & I asked you what you wanted to be for Halloween. You pointed to a lamb costume. I was a little surprised. You love lambs, but you're such a girly girl. I really thought you would want to be something covered in pink.

"Are you sure you don't want to be a flower?" "Nope." "Are you sure you don't want to be a princess?" "No, I want to be a sheepy." So, I continued to ask you each day for the next week what you wanted to be for Halloween. Every time you gave me the same response, "a sheepy." So, I ordered your costume.

Your lamb costume came in a month later. We tried it on you & you ooooohed & awed & squealed with happiness. You cried when I told you you had to take it off.

The next day we were on our way to school. "Hey, Mom, I think I want to be a flower for Halloween."


Luckily, your mind was easily swayed back to wanting to be a little lamb. A few weeks ago, we took our annual Halloween photo shoot (2010 photo shoot & 2011 photo shoot).

I might be biased, but I think you're the most adorable little lamb in the whole, wide world.

I love you so,

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