
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Emmalina Ballerina

Dear Em,
You've been showing us your "ballerina moves" for a while now. You're so cute & you love to perform twirls for us. Fifty percent of the time you fall to the ground doing one of your moves, & it takes everything for Daddy & I to suppress our giggles as we clap wildly. Daddy & I really need to get on the ball & enroll you in a ballet class.

The other day, you awoke wanting to be a ballerina. So, I gave you a ballerina hair-do, & dressed you in a little tu-tu (with warm clothes underneath, it's frigid in New England). You insisted you needed ballet slippers, even though we don't own any. For lack of anything else, I convinced you that fairy costume slippers would do.

Of course, Lamby also needed to join in on the fun- with her very own tu-tu. You danced around the house (Daddy put on classical music, but you called it scary & we had to switch it to pop music), & then threw a little ballerina tea party for a bunch of your stuffed animals & Daddy & I. The "healthy" food you put on our plates consisted of butter, cake, & cupcakes (with "cookies for dessert"). It was priceless.

I just love watching you in your element. You have such a sweet & creative spunk. Maybe you haven't taken any real lessons yet, but you're still my vary favorite ballerina.

I love you so,

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