
Monday, March 25, 2013

Easter Traditions

Dear Em,
I love holiday celebrations, & we were lucky to have a weekend full of them. We kicked off our weekend, with a long held Easter tradition, dying Easter eggs. I wonder who the first person was to decorate eggs & how many years it's been running for.

While it is a long standing Easter tradition, it's the first year in our house you really participated. We tried it in previous years, but you didn't do much of the work. Mostly, I think you were ready to dump the colored dye all over everything. This year was different. I was delighted to see you really get into it this year.

After dying the eggs, you colored them with markers & covered them in stickers.

My favorite egg is one that you drew our family on.



It was such a fun & easy activity. I can see why the tradition has held for so many years (even if I'm the only one in my family who will eat hard boiled eggs). Afterwards, you were so proud of your masterpiece of Easter eggs. In fact, you were ready to dye everything in the house.

I love you so,

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