
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Doc McEmma

Dear Em,
Among so many things you were gifted this Christmas, your aunt Jennie & uncle Nick gave you a toy doctor kit. You pull it out almost every day. I'm not sure if it's because you've been watching Doc McStuffins or if its the fact that you've had so much real life experience already, but you love to play doctor. 

You call yourself Dr. Alycia Emma (your school nurse is Miss Alycia). You put on your "telescope" (stethoscope) & sing: "It's time for your check-up! Time for your check-up! I'm gonna check your ears, check your eyes, find out how much you grow." I think every single one of your babies & stuffed animals have gotten multiple check ups. Daddy & I are also frequently patients.  

"Oh no, Daddy. It looks like you have Bad-Case-Osis," you solemnly tell him. Lucky for us, you have unlimited hugs & kiss to treat anything that we're diagnosed with. Unfortunately for us, you also give out quite a few shots.

I work in the healthcare industry, & it scares me more & more everyday. I have no intention of encouraging you to become a doctor, but it's not my job to tell you who you're supposed to be. It's my job to help you be who you're meant to be. I'll support you wherever your dreams take you.

But for now, it's just nice to have an adorable little doctor who does house calls. 

I love you so,

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