
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

grocery helper

Dear Em,
The other day you joined me at the grocery store. I only needed to pick up a few items. We were going to make homemade pizza. I wasn't in any type of hurry & the grocery store was mostly empty. So, instead of doing it all myself while you tagged along, I let you scan the items. After I paid, you bagged everything & slung the bag over your shoulder before we headed out the door.

Yes, you are in your PJs. It was a lazy kind of day.
I watched people look down at you & smile as you carried the groceries out of the store. It was such a small moment, & yet it made my heart so happy. It's amazing how you can take the ordinary & make it extraordinary. Right before our eyes you're growing up into a little young lady. Only too soon you will be grocery shopping on your own, & I will miss my little grocery helper.

I love you so much for so many reasons, but I think I love you for the everyday the most.

I love you so,

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