
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

maiden voyage

Dear Em,
This Easter you discovered a kite in your Easter basket. You've never flown a kite, but you were still excited in an "I'm not sure exactly what I'm excited about" sort of way. On one of the first sunny Spring days without a cloud in the sky, we were itching to get out of the house & play in the fresh air. It was the perfect day to take your kite on it's maiden voyage.

We headed to the large open fields in Tuckertown Park, & let your kite out in the open air. You & I held it up to catch the breeze while Daddy held the string.

You had a turn flying the kite too.

We brought a bunch of other games to play in the large field. There was frisbee, football, & a precious game of catch between you & Papi.

We let you play on the playground before heading home. Our cheeks were rosy, & I was so very content. Family & outside fun is such a happy combination.

I love you so,

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