
Thursday, April 25, 2013

our little shoe girl

Dear Em,
Before our trip to San Francisco, I realized I needed a new pair of sneakers. I took you with me to DSW to pick out a new pair. It is amazingly overwhelming how many pairs of shoes fill that store. You looked like you were in paradise. I forgot how much you love shoes.

You ooohed & awwwed over the rows & rows of shoes. You wanted to try on every shoe in the place (the funny thing is, they don't even carry kids shoes), & you almost did. I turned my head for a second & you were sprinting down the isle with a new pair of pink sneakers that were your "favorite." "Oh, Mommy, look at these pretty shoes!" Two minutes later you had a new pair of favorites picked out. It was hilarious to watch a three year old putting on sneakers that were almost as long as her legs.

It came down to two pairs for me. Of course you tried them both on & waddled down the isle in them. In the end I let you pick, which is why I came home with the sneakers with hot pink soles. I actually really like them, & you love them. It was a win-win.

I have a feeling we have many, many more shoe adventures ahead of us.

I love you so,

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