
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

turning 3 again

Dear Em,
Today is someone very special's birthday. When we asked you who's birthday it was you exclaimed, "mine!" It appears that rather than thinking we should celebrate your birthday & half birthday, you prefer we celebrate once a month. You've thought it was your birthday at least that often.

It's not your birthday. It's Nonnie's! What makes it even more fun is that she's here in Rhode Island to celebrate with us (I don't think I've been with my mom on her birthday since I was in high school). We're in the midst of giving her a whole birthday week, & she's not used our little family tradition. We've already been on so many fun adventures with her. It's fun to pamper the woman who is always pampering everyone else.

We told you that Nonnie is turning three again just like you. She could be. When she's around you, she's so very young at heart. You're both having a blast playing together. The other night I came upstairs to find you too inside your small cardboard Princess castle. You had your lantern on & you were reading books to babies. It made my heart so happy.

I can't tell you what a gift it is for me to celebrate my mom's birthday with her. I'm going to soak up & enjoy every moment we get to spend with my mommy.

I love you so,

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