
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

we have green thumbs...kinda

Dear Em,
Remember this past fall when you & I planted tulips & hyacinths? I have to confess, I never thought they were actually going to grow. I know I put on a brave face when we planted them, but like I've stated before, I don't really have a very good track record when it comes to green things. I think I was just as surprised as you when we started to see things sprout. The look on your face mirrored the feeling in my heart as we watched our tulips & hyacinths grow & change little by little each day.

It's an exhilarating experience for me to watch flowers grow & bloom & know that we had a part in planting them. You are just tickled to see the different colors come up. It makes us all smile as you "ooooh" & "awww" over each newly discovered flower.

I think dandelions are still your favorite, maybe because we let you pick all the dandelions you want. Maybe it's because you love blowing the dried ones into the air & watching them dance to the ground. I remember making wishes on dried dandelions when I was a girl.

Our little herb garden is not doing as well. We went away for a week & came back to find two of our five herb plants pretty shriveled up. Will they come back with sun, water, & love? No clue. I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing.

At least I know that every spring we have tulips & hyacinths to look forward to. They will always make me think of you, just two years old, & the sunny day in fall that we planted our very first bulbs together.

I love you so,

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