
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Air mattress days

Dear Em,
My best friend Jayme & I have had some really amazing adventures. The parties that we have gone to together have been fun & a little wild. But I can definitely say our lazy times have been some of our favorites.

Back in college Jayme & I had lunch with a bunch of our friends every Friday. Since we were done with classes, after lunch Jayme & I would go back to her room, turn on the TV & take a nap (I miss those Fridays) until the rest of our friends finished their classes & joined us for Friday night fun. The days following our parties were typically lazy days. We would blow up an air mattress, lay it in front of the couch, & spend the day napping & watching movies.

Lazy days became a little harder to come by once we had kids, mostly because you don't typically allow for naps or laziness. So, imagine my surprise & absolute contentedness when you & T let us indulge in a lazy day during our Ohio trip. Sure, my napping only occurred at the same time as yours, the movies we watched were much more kid friendly than our college days, & the house became a toy disaster. Still, it was a perfect lazy day.

It was so nice to be able to continue our tradition & share it with our littles.

I love you so,

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