
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Beach Ready

Dear Em,
You come from a line of beachbums. You inherited your love of the beach from me, as I did from my mom. Some of my favorite beach moments are our impromptu ones, but now I try to be prepared for even the spontaneous visit (after many car trips from the beach being wet & sandy & you typically in my clothes). I keep a beach bag in my car for such visits.

What's in our beach bag?
- 2 Towels: One adult sized & one for a little love.
- 2 Bathing suits: One for you & one for me.
- Changes of clothes: A terry cloth pullover & pants for you & a pullover with sweatpants for me.
- Sunglasses: I actually keep a pair for you & a pair for me in my purse.
- Sunscreen: This is great for the beach but also other impromptu outdoor adventures.
- Beach Pail & Shovel
- Shell Collector: Your favorite beach activity is to gather shells, & I found a great bag made from recycled sailboat sails that you can use for just that.
- Waterproof Bag: We had been using plastic Ziploc bags but recently found a great bag at a camping store we can store our phones, keys, & cameras in to keep them from getting wet & sandy.
- Your swimmer: This is more for spontaneous trips to the pool than the beach, but it's still helpful to have.

Of course if we know we're hading to the beach, we also throw a whole bag of beach toys, a few beach chairs, & your boogie board in the car before heading out on our beach adventure. But we have just as much fun during our surprise visits when we have nothing but each other & what's in our beach bag.

I love you so, my little beachbum,

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