
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

snuggles & a phone call

Dear Em,
Now that it's summer, you seem to be on a wonderful summer schedule. This morning you slept late. You slept so late that Daddy had already left for work before you had woken up. You climbed into bed with me, I thought for some snuggles & girl talk.

"Mommy, where's Daddy?" you asked. "He already left for work," I replied. "Oh, then you're going to have to turn the TV on today." I was puzzled by what you meant for a moment, but then I realized. On a typical morning (at the crack of dawn), you climb into our bed. Daddy & I are basically sleep walking (without the walking) as I pull you up & snuggle you in & Daddy turns on the cartoons. I guess you think that only Daddy can turn on the TV in our bedroom.

"You'll need the remote," you told me matter of factly. You crawled over to Daddy's side of the bed, grabbed the remote off his bedside table, & put the remote in my lap. I decided to play along. I told you I didn't know how to turn the TV on & that we needed help from Daddy. "Let me try," you said confidently. You held the remote in the air & pressed almost every button. Still, the TV wouldn't turn on. You looked a little defeated & maybe even a little worried that there would be no TV ever again (or at least until Daddy returns).

So, you did what I have done so many times when I have a question about electronics or home improvements. You called your Daddy. You barely gave Daddy a moment to answer the phone before you quickly told him about our TV conundrum. I could feel Daddy smiling as you explained to him your dire problem. He laughed as he gave you instructions on how to use the remote to turn the TV on.

Someday soon you'll probably know how to turn the TV on by yourself. You'll probably get up all on your own. But today we got snuggles & a phone call. I can't explain how much it meant to me this morning. It gave us the smiles we needed to start the day. You have a way of doing that.

I love you so,

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