
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Superhero Birthday Party: The Food

Dear Em,
What is a Superhero without food to fuel the super-ness? Unfortunately, our birthday party venue limited our food choices (it was really the only negative we experienced with the venue but more on that later). We were only allowed to bring pizza, cake, water, & juice boxes. While it definitely simplified things for us, it was kind of a bummer. You don't even like pizza. How do you throw a birthday party without being able to include food that the birthday girl likes (I had asked if we could also bring fruit but the answer was no)?

So, we worked around it. The first thing we did was schedule the party for 10am. We knew if we gave you a hearty breakfast (your favorite meal of the day), you'd make it through the party without getting hungry for a real meal. The second thing we did was make sure the cake was special. We hoped the cake would distract you from the fact you didn't care for the other food option.

I had a dream. In my mind I pictured an adorable & delicious Allies donut Superhero cake. The Superhero would be a girl, of course, with blonde hair & pink outfit. I knew you would be thrilled. You've loved all of your Allie's Donut cakes (here, here, & here), & I knew this one would be just as special to you. Your daddy called a week before your party to order the cake, but they were back ordered for the next two weeks. How is that possible? I was super bummed as I said goodbye to the perfect cake in my mind.

While we had to change our plans, Daddy insisted your cake would still be special. Although we had run into issues in the past, we decided to look into a cupcake cake from Stop&Shop. Daddy asked if they could make it Superhero themed. They explained that they don't freehand illustrations, but could screen-print any non-copyrighted photo. Daddy thought we could just find a photo online. I had a more fun idea.

You & I had a little photo shoot in our backyard, & the ladies at the Stop&Shop bakery were thrilled to print your cuteness on your cupcake cake. When Daddy picked the cake up, we couldn't wait to show you. You "ooohed" as you recognized yourself on your 3.5 birthday cake. Then you did something we didn't expect. You stabbed your index finger into the cake to see if it was real. Until all the littles ate up your cake later during your party, your cake was individualized with an Emma-sized finger print (thank goodness you had reached out for your leg & not your face).

It wasn't what we had originally planned, but to me, it was better. It was the perfect Superhero birthday cake. It was easy (no cutting, because it was cupcake cake). It was yummy (kid tested & approved). It was one of a kind & special just for you.

We brought pizza strips (an RI delicacy). They were a yummy treat for everyone else, but as suspected, you didn't want any. In the end it didn't matter that pizza was the only other food served at your birthday party. Everything ended just before lunchtime, & we took you & your little best friend for lunch & ice cream sundaes at your very favorite spot: "Newport Creamy" (aka Newport Creamery).

You may not remember the food we served at your 3.5 birthday party, but I will forever remember your finger print & the smiles on your face as you shared sundaes with your best friend.

I love you so,


  1. Glad to see the pictures of birthday party celebrations. My cousin is organizing mother's day party at one of the best event venues Chicago soon. Saw the list of luncheon and dessert menu with pretty gift items for all mommies. Liked the great idea of fashion show for making the day more exciting.


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