
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Family Portrait

Dear Em,
I recently commissioned a local artist to draw our family portrait. What do you think?

I should probably mention that the local artist is three (and a half) years old.

Our artist seems to like the abstract. In case you don't recognize us, Daddy is the big, orange one to the right of the page, I'm the (maybe doing a cartwheel) upside-down, orange one at the bottom of the page, & you are the sweet, little, (also upside down) pink one on the left of the page. You added hair-bow stickers to my & your hair, & Minnie (also upside down) is just hanging out with our family. You've come a long way from your very first family drawing. We all have hair, eyeballs, & fingers now.

You told me I could keep this drawing for always. It's kinda amazing, art seems awfully expensive these days but I only had to pay you in hugs & kisses. I know art is subjective, but I think Emma originals might be my very favorite kind of art.

I love you so,

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