
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

girl, you make me smile

Dear Em,
I don't know if you can even understand how much you make me smile. I sometimes wonder where all of my smiles came from before there was you. Surly, my life wasn't filled with half as many. On super frustrating days, I pull out precious memories of you & they brighten up even the dreariest day. The other day, you gave me a moment that will make me smile for always.

Em: Mommy, I have a surprise for you. <Hands me your baby-doll.>
Me: This is mine?! I can keep it forever?
Em: Well, you can keep it for today, & give it back tomorrow.
Em: <Nervously looking at me smiling down at the baby-doll & takes the baby-doll away>
Me: I thought I got the baby-doll for the whole day?
Em: Well...I have a better surprise for you.
Me: What is it?
Em: ME!!!!
Me: Do I keep you today & give you back tomorrow?
Em: No, you get to keep me forever!
Me: Well, what about when you leave me to go to college?
Em: <Sad eyes. Serious face. Pats me on the back as you calmly & soothingly say the next words. > Oh, sweetie, don't worry. You can come with me.

I might hold you to that.

I love you so,

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