
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Apple Crispies

Dear Em,
The fall seems to be when I do most of my baking. Maybe that's because we need to find something to do with all of our apples after we've gone apple picking. This past weekend I had a blast baking all kinds of apple treats with my little apprentice. Three years old is such a fun age for baking. You're so excited to help, & you're really getting great at measuring, mixing, & rolling. It's wicked messy & wicked fun.

I found an easy recipe online (I think it was on facebook, but I can't really remember for sure) for apple pie crescent bites that were perfect for a three year old helper.

Apple Pie Crescent Bites 
(Well, you call them Apple Crispies)

- One large apple, peeled & cut into 8 slices
- Tube of Crescent Rolls
- Sugar
- Cinnamon

Start with crescent rolls unrolled. Sprinkle with sugar & cinnamon. Roll apple slice into roll. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Enjoy.

You were thrilled to sprinkle, roll, & watch the rolls bake. I was thrilled to watch my little love smile. We were all thrilled to eat them up.

We filled up the rest of the weekend by baking a pie & making apple sauce. I'm glad we never get sick of apples. We'll be eating our weight in them for the next few weeks. Lucky for me, I have the sweetest little sou chef (sou baker?) by my side to help with the baking & eating.

I love you so,


  1. That's one delicious apple Crispies! Thank you for sharing this. I think I'm going to make one later!


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