
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

our last weekend of summer

Dear Em,
The calendar may say we have 20 more days of summer, but for many of us in New England our last real days of summer end during Labor Day Weekend. We are summer people. While I love the fall, the threat of winter lies too close behind it. I don't think I'm ever quite ready to say goodbye to the summer sunshine. We never made a summer bucket list this year, but if we had I think we would have crossed almost everything off our list (& then some). But for our last weekend of summer, I made a little mental bucket list, hoping to squeeze in as many of our favorite summer activities as possible during our last weekend of summer.

You & I started with pedicures. After all, summer is all about letting your toes out.

We went out for some summer ice cream (although, Daddy & I got fall flavors: caramel apple & pumpkin).

We played at the park. I think hopscotch is one of your new favorite games. Having the park all to ourselves, we also played a sweet game of hide & seek.

We went to a beautiful wedding in a park, & you went to your very first wedding reception (ok, this probably wouldn't have been on our bucket list except that we were already invited to a wedding, but it truly was a perfect summer wedding & one of the best nights of your life).

What wasn't on our original bucket list, but we decided to fit it in was some rest & relaxation. The day was grey, & a jammies day was calling our names. Looking back on how busy our summer was, fitting in a day of rest was just what we all needed. But when the grey weather continued on the last day of our long weekend, we decided we were going out anyway.

It rained off & on all day, but that didn't stop us from enjoying our last day of summer. We watched the rain as we ate hot Rhode Island clam chowder & sandwiches at my favorite spot for chowder. When we noticed a lull in the rain, we went for a walk & checked out the boats at Watch Hill.

You gave us one last summertime gazebo performance (you love giving us gazebo performances).

We headed over to the beach, looked for shells, got our toes wet (you got most of your body wet), & took a fun family beach walk.

There was more hopscotch, our favorite kind of summer hopscotch: beach hopscotch.

We ended our last summer weekend with Dels. I can't tell you how I'm going to miss Dels (notice you are wearing my yellow zip-up, your clothes soaked so you borrowed mine). It was an amazing way to end our amazing Summer 2013.

With the end of summer comes the start of school for you. It's kinda crazy for me to think that this is the third year we are dropping you off for your first day of school. When we first dropped you off at one & a half years old, you seemed so big. Looking back now, you were really so little. Now you're a sunshine, our big girl. I'm saying little prayers for an amazing school year of exploring, adventures, friends, patient teachers, fun, & learning.

I know that this time next year I will be looking back at this year & realizing how very little you still are. It always seems to work like that.

I love you so,

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