
Monday, September 23, 2013

small moments

Dear Em,
As much as I love summer & hate to see the season go, I also love fall. I love the gorgeous weather and crisp air. I love the bright colors. Most of all I love all of the fall activities. The first activity that really gets me in the mood for fall is apple picking. So, the weekend of the fall solstice seemed like an appropriate one for us to make our way to Narrow Lane Orchard.

You were more excited this year & actively participated more than ever before. You wanted to hold the apple bag by yourself, & you took the job of finding the perfect apple very seriously. I was so struck by how much you've grown each year. I still remember your very first apple picking experience. You were just barely walking, & I remember you holding on to the back of the wagon & toddling along. Now you were pulling us up & down the aisles of apple trees.

What a difference a few years make...

This year you were dancing around in your sparkly, twinkle toes sneakers. They light up as you walk, which had you looking down at your feet almost as much as you looked up at the apples. While the patterns on your clothes were a little mismatched & busy, your whole ensemble made me smile. Your outfit just reminded me of you at this age: full of sparkle & color & personality.

You know, I feel like each year truly has gotten better & better. I miss the sweet moments & milestones of the past, but I can't help but look forward to the precious moments of the future. Because for most people, life isn't made up of great big moments each and every day. Life is made up of small moments, moments like apple picking as a family. These are the small & incredible moments that I will cherish. These are the moments that make me sigh & thank God for me little family of three.

I love you so,

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