Tuesday, September 24, 2013

through your eyes

Dear Em,
You are a girl of many hobbies: ballerina-ing, reading, watching tv, swinging on the swingset, art, making messes throughout the house & my car, being an artist, twirling, being a princess. The list goes on and on. Recently you've added a new activity to the list: photography.

You got a children's camera for Christmas that you've recently become really excited about. When you don't have your camera, you've been begging to use mine & Daddy's iPhones. You smile as you zoom in on whatever interests you. "Ooooooooh, that's amazing." You run to Daddy & I, bursting to share what you've captured.

I love to see you enjoying something that I enjoy so much myself, but most of all I love that your photos give me a chance to see the world through your eyes. By looking at each one of your snapshots, I get to view what is interesting & beautiful to you. This is how you saw our kayaking adventure.


Ok, maybe I helped you with this one...

But you took this selfie on your own.

I love this one best I think.

On our last trip to Boston, you explored with my iPhone during lunch.

I love how much natural beauty you found in the middle of a city.

You also found things that were not natural at all. At least Daddy doesn't mind when you're the one taking photos.

We helped you with this amazing selfie.

But this cuteness was all you.

Daddy has been giving you his iPhone during the drive to school each morning. He shares it with me at the end of the day & we love looking at what you captured. There's a lot of headrests, adorable little toes (you ask if you can take your shoes off so that you can take pictures of them), but there are also some really amazing out the window shots. 

I love your excitement with it. I love that Daddy is going to have 2 paparazzi following him around. I kinda wish that you could take your camera around with you throughout your day. At least then when I ask you what you did, I would get more than "I don't know."

I love you so,

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