
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Umbrella Factory

Dear Em,
Rhode Island truly feels like home to me. While it's not where I am originally from, sometimes it feels like it is. Perhaps, this is because I've lived in Rhode Island longer than anyplace else. It also could be that since Daddy is a local, he's introduced me to all of what have become our favorite local places.

Back when we were in college, he brought me to the Umbrella Factory. It's was a charming little place with a shop that sells things like incense & jewelry. There were pretty outside walkways surrounded by greenery. Perhaps the best part were all the animals. There were emus & chickens & peacocks.

After college, a lot of time passed before we returned to the Umbrella Factory. We kept saying that we should visit & bring you along.  We knew you'd love the shop, running around outside, & especially the animals. Somehow we never got around to bringing you to the Umbrella Factory until this fall. We woke early for soccer, and after your game we weren't ready to head home yet. We wanted to enjoy a little more of the gorgeous fall day.

We realized the Umbrella Factory would be the perfect place to visit. Didn't we feel silly to realize it was less than five minutes away from your soccer fields? Over the years, the Umbrella Factory has much changed. We were surprised to find many more shops & buildings that fill the grounds, with art, jewelry, fun gifts, & Rhode Island t-shirts. We also enjoyed walking through large & beautiful gardens. Daddy's favorite is the bamboo forest that we followed a path through. You laughed as you ran through the crowds of chickens & visited with the emus & goats. We bought an ice cream cone filled with goat food, & you enjoyed feeding them. Not far from where we fed the goats, is a sweet little cafe with indoor & outdoor seating.

You loved the Umbrella Factory so much, a few weeks later we brought little S & her parents to join us for lunch after your soccer game. They were just enchanted with the Umbrella Factory as we were. We walked all around, exploring the fun shops & pretty gardens.

After exploring the grounds, we decided to sit down for lunch at the Small Axe Cafe. The best part of the cafe? With it being right outside of all the animals, you & S were able to play while we waited for our food to be served.

The food was also amazing. My panini was filled with roasted vegetables & goat cheese (of course!). I can definitely see us spending many family lunches here.

Isn't it so fun to be one of the Rhode Island locals?

I love you so,

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