
Friday, November 22, 2013

Love Letters

Dear Em,
"Nonnie said that when I play with Elizabeth & dress her in her clothes, I could think of her. And I am thinking of her. Because you know what? I really love her, & she is mine."
- Emma, age 3.5

I woke up early one morning & didn't want to wake your Daddy. I could faintly hear you moving around in your room. So, I slipped out of bed & walked down the hall to your room. You were playing with your dolls. I climbed into your bed & enjoyed just watching you play so sweetly. First you made sure that all of your princess dolls had shoes. You wanted them to wear shoes that matched their outfits, but very expertly made sure there was a different colored shoe on each foot.

Then you grabbed Elizabeth, the doll Nonnie gave to you during her last visit here. I watched you patiently & with the utmost concentration undress & dress her in fall appropriate fashion. I watched amazed, because up until recently, changing the outfits on your dolls really meant that Daddy & I (or Nonnie during the summertime) needed to change your dolls' clothes. It's a funny change, but one that once again reminded me that you're growing up.

It's clear that you've been missing Nonnie. You've ben asking about her often & regularly invite her to our house. So, when you looked up at me with such serious eyes & told me that you were thinking of her while you played with Elizabeth, it brought tears to my eyes. It's amazing how your little heart works & the things that you can articulate & understand now.

The sun was still rising that early morning, as you & I shared such simple but precious moments that I would have easily slept through otherwise. I love you for turning the simple & the tired into something special.

I love you so,

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