
Monday, November 18, 2013

Our Bird House

Dear Em,
Your grandparents gave me a bird house for my birthday in May. Sadly, it sat on our counter until about a month ago, waiting for your Daddy to put it up for me. You helped him put it in our front tree, & you & I filled it with New England bird seed we had picked up from the pet store. With many of the birds flying south  in a V formation, I wondered if we had missed bird season. The pink house looks adorable hanging from our tree, but it also looks kind of lonely with no one living in it.

You sit on the living room chair from time to time, looking outside to check if "a bird is living in our bird house." I feared you would be disappointed until the other day. You squealed with delight to see a bird feeding in our bird house. I snapped some pictures from inside, but you wanted to take some pictures of your own. We tried to explain to you that birds scare easy, but that didn't stop you from running outside, a little ball of energy, to get a closer look.

Daddy & I laughed from inside as we watched you get too close for any bird to be comfortable. You came to the front steps a little bummed that no bird stuck around for you to take pictures of. You were patient though. We bundled you up, & you sat on the front steps waiting for your little bird to come.

One lone bird was brave enough (or hungry enough) to come back to our bird house for a bite to eat, & it pretty much made your whole day.

Sigh, you're so stinkin' cute.

I love you so,

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