
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Our Solution for Telemarketers

Dear Em,
Once upon a time, we didn't have a land line phone in our home. Daddy & I both have cellphones. We didn't need a land line....except that Daddy almost always has his on vibrate & often (almost always) misses my phone calls because of it. At six months pregnant with you, I had nightmares about going into labor & not being able to reach Daddy. So, we got a land line.

After we had you, we quickly realized the only people who called us on our land line were telemarketers. So, we canceled it. For three years we had no home phone, but when we recently switched our cable provider it became cheaper to bundle & get a land line. Which reintroduces telemarketers to our home. For a little while, we let them frustrate us, but then we found the solution to all the telemarketers.


Whenever we get a call on our home phone, we let you answer the call. "Mommy, is the phone for me?!" You say hello, introduce yourself, & when the telemarketer asks for your Mommy & Daddy, you say "no thank you" before hanging up the phone. You love it. It's a Win-Win for everyone- well, maybe not the telemarketers.

Once, Daddy was the one to call. You gasped when you answered the phone. "Daddy, is it you calling on the phone?!!!" 

Who knew telemarketers could cause so much happiness & so much cuteness?

I love you so,

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