
Friday, December 13, 2013

love letters

Dear Em,
"Grandma Grandpa, Grandma Grandpa
Today is for you, today is for you
We want you to feel special,
To know how much we love you
Yes we do, yes we do."

Last month you enjoyed Grandfriends day at school, & I don't think you could have been more excited about it. Grandma got to be your special guest. Your class had worked really hard on special songs & crafts. You shared the songs with Daddy & I (& everyone else I could get you to sing to), & it put such a smile in my heart. When I think of Grandma standing there while your whole adorable class sang your prepared songs, I tear up a little.

You were actually a little quiet, which is not typical for you. When we asked you about it, you said you were upset that the Grandfriends were laughing at you. "I think they thought there was something wrong with my clothes," you said weepily. I just melt. We tried to explain to you that they weren't laughing at you because of something wrong but because you were all so amazing & adorable. You still aren't so sure.

Laughter or no laughter, I'm sure it was so much stinkin' cuteness. I'm a little jealous I didn't get to go.

I love you so,

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